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  • 使用寿命
  • 集塵効率が高い
  • 環境基準に適合する

At FLSmidth, we help customers in the cement, minerals, power and metals industries control air pollution and emissions. How? By providing long-lasting industrial filter bags. Your baghouse will collect dust efficiently when using our baghouse filter bags that meet environmental regulation standards.


At FLSmidth, we help customers in the cement, minerals, power and metals industries control air pollution and emissions. How? By providing long-lasting industrial filter bags. Your baghouse will collect dust efficiently when using our baghouse filter bags that meet environmental regulation standards.


At FLSmidth, we help customers in the cement, minerals, power and metals industries control air pollution and emissions. How? By providing long-lasting industrial filter bags. Your baghouse will collect dust efficiently when using our baghouse filter bags that meet environmental regulation standards.